Saturday, October 8, 2011

Love this owl flannelboard pattern on Sunflower Storytime. Check out  Storytime Katie's version. I knocked this out pretty quickly by leaving out some details. The kids loved playing "Whooooo's Missing" by The Library Lady. Put all the owls on the board. Have the kids close (AND cover) their eyes. When they open, ask "Whooooo's missing?" They identify which color owl has been taken away. Our three-year-olds had so much fun. Obviously, you can use the same concept with any color-type flannel story. 
(insert picture)

There is a "five owls" rhyme on the previously mentioned blogs. I wrote this one.
 They Said Whoo Whoo
by Shawn Wolf
One little owl sitting under the moon.
A friend flew over, and they said, "Whoo. Whoo."

Two little owls sitting under the moon....
(continue until you have 5 owls)

Five little owls sitting under the moon.
When the sun came up, they said, "See you all soon!"

(insert picture)
We practiced writing lines to make this puppet from Making Learning Fun, and used it with this rhyme:

Wide Eye Owl (original author unknown)

There's a wide eye owl (make fingers in large circles and cup over eyes)
With a pointed nose (use fingers to make a triangle & point out for nose)
2 pointed ears (use fingers for ears)
and claws for toes (wiggle fingers like toes)
he lives way up in the tree (point up to tree top)
and when he looks at you (point at kids)
he flaps his wings (use arms for wings, and flap)
and says “Whooo, whooo” (continue flapping wings)

We also used the owl theme as an opportunity to talk about animal homes. I used what is probably my all-time favorite puppet/prop--the Sequoia Tree by Folkmanis

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