Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Tallest Smallest Snowman
I got this idea looking at a snowman craft project on Kindergarten Lessons. Snowmen were built to form a child's name-one ball per letter. John's snowman was built with four balls, etc.  The site suggests counting balls and comparing height. I am going to do a variation of that activity in my three-year-old classroom, but I am going to do this flannel at my library storytime:

The Tallest Smallest Snowman
by Shawn Wolf

Joey built a snowman that was very, very small.
But the snowman wished that he was very, very tall.
So Joey rolled some snow, and made a great big ball.
Then he gave it to the snowman, and hoped it wouldn’t fall.

“More!” said the snowman, and that wasn’t all,
I want to be very, very, very tall!”
So Joey rolled some snow and made a great big ball.
Then he gave it to the snowman, and hoped it wouldn’t fall.

“More!” said the snowman, and that wasn’t all,
I want to be the tallest snowman of them all!”
So Joey rolled some snow and made a great big ball.
Then he gave it to the snowman, and hoped it wouldn’t fall.

“More!” said the snowman, but Joey said, “That’s all,”
Then the tallest snowman’s parts began to slip and fall.
As the snowman crumbled, Joey heard him call,
“Now I am the very smallest snowman of them all.”

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