Friday, August 30, 2013

Flannel Friday: The Doorbell Rang

We are getting ready for our fall flannel board workshop for early childhood educators. We are doing cookies, so I'm excited to share one of my favorites--The Doorbell Rang by Pat Hutchins. I chose the cookie theme because it's one of those general themes that can be used around the holidays without celebrating any one particular tradition.

Like the book, the pieces here are beautifully ethnically diverse. I love doing it as a flannel because it is mathematical gymnastics for preschoolers. I use it at story time, but I really love using it in our early literacy center and at the preschool because the kids can get their hands on it. I love watching them figure out how to distribute the cookies. And, of course, a set of bells next to the flannel board make the whole story come to life.

Lisa at Story Time with the Library Lady is hosting the roundup this week. Find all things Flannel Friday on the blog or find us on Pinterest.


  1. I love this book too. And I never even thought to flannelize it. This is outstanding! thanks for posting ~ jane

  2. I've always loved that book. The generosity of the kids is what I have always emphasized! Thanks for such a great idea!

  3. I never thought to use bells with this story. Thanks for the tip!
