Friday, September 13, 2013

Flannel Friday: The Lonely Bus Driver

I have been meaning to do this one for a while. After I made the people for The Doorbell Rang, all I had to do was make a bus (and a hat for the driver).

Lonely Bus Driver
One lonely bus driver all alone and blue,

He picked up a passenger and then there were two.
Two people riding, they stopped by a tree,
They picked up a passenger, and then there were three.

Three people riding, they stopped by a store,
They picked up a passenger, and then there were four.
Four people riding, happy and alive,
They picked up a passenger, and then there were five.

Five people riding open swung the door,
Four passengers got off the bus,
The driver's alone once more.

Bridget at What is Bridget Reading? is hosting the roundup this week. Find all things Flannel Friday on the blog or find us on Pinterest.


  1. Thanks for sharing! I think I'll be adding this to my to make list.

  2. I think I'm going to make/use this for my outreach story time in the fall. Thanks for sharing (I'm newish to doing storytimes & am building up my resources)!
