Friday, April 25, 2014

Flannel Friday: That's How Much I Love You

Right before Valentine storytime, I happened to see this book in the board book bin. Kirkus trashed it, but the kids loved it. I knew instantly that it needed to be flannelized.
I can't wait to use it for Mother's Day.

I love you, I love you, I love you, I do....
If you were a sock, I'd be your shoe.

The pairs continue until finally...

I love you, I love you, I love you, you see...
But the best pair of all is by far you and me!

The pieces can also be used for a "What goes together?" game.

Lisa at Thrive After Three is hosting the roundup this week. Find all things Flannel Friday on the blog or find us on Pinterest.


  1. Perfectly precious! I had not seen this book - but will need to order now. Thanks ~ jane

  2. Adorable - I am putting this on my Mom's Day list! - Anne
