Friday, September 16, 2016

Flannel Friday: Robot, Robot

We are celebrating International Dot Day all week at our library. Late the night before Dot storytime, this came to me--another addition to the Little Mouse collection.

Robot, robot, are you under the red dot?

Check out the entire Dot storytime here.

Mollie at What Happens at Storytime is hosting the round up this week. Find all things Flannel Friday on the blog or on Pinterest.


  1. Hi Shawn, love this! I could make those dots :) Could I add this to the Little Mouse Renditions round-up on Jbrary?

  2. Thanks, Lindsay! Feel free to share.

  3. I can't find the instructions for how to play "Robot Robot are you Under the Dot." Can you help me?

  4. Karen, I'm so sorry I'm just seeing this! Robot, Robot is a version of the classic game Little Mouse, Little Mouse. Rather than explaining just this version, I'm sharing the link to Jbrary's roundup of Little Mouse renditions. There is a video there demonstrating the basic concept. Have fun!!
