I'm hoping someone here will know where I heard this song! I heard this version of Muffin Man a few years ago. I think it was two women singing. I think their focus may be more folk music than kid's music. I think I heard it on public radio. I don't know if they wrote these lyrics, or if this version is floating around out there. I couldn't find it. What I DO know about this version is that the kids love it! It inspires so much discussion. I'm finding great literacy opportunities in rewriting song lyrics during storytime. Sometimes opening things up for discussion is a slippery slope, but there is enough structure here to keep everyone focused. Have fun!
Put muffin and man on the board and sing the first verse.
Do you know the Muffin Man,
The Muffin Man, the Muffin Man?
Do you know the Muffin Man,
Who lives on Drury Lane?
Show the kids the granola bar, and ask them what it is. Do the same with the girl, and put them on the board. Ask the kids, “If this is a muffin and a man," (point to muffin and man) “then what is this?” (point to granola and girl). Talk about beginning letter sounds, and see if they can put it together. Help them out if you need to and ask, “How about the Granola Girl?” Then sing the next verse.
Do you know the Granola Girl,
Granola Girl, Granola Girl?
Do you know the Granola Girl,
Who lives on Drury Lane?
Continue to introduce new combinations….
Do you know the Bagel Boy,
The Bagel Boy, the Bagel Boy?
Do you know the Bagel Boy,
Who lives on Drury Lane?
Do you know the Waffle Woman,
The Waffle Woman, the Waffle Woman?
Do you know the Waffle Woman,
Who lives on Drury Lane?
Ask the kids what else they eat for breakfast, and ask how they could sing about it. Pancake Pal? Donut Dad? I gave my first every storytime homework--sing about your breakfast tomorrow and report back.
Keith at Felt-tastic Flannelboard Funtime is hosting the Round-Up this week. Find Flannel Friday on Pinterest and on the Flannel Friday site.
The Nields. Just heard it on WERS in Boston - they have a Saturday morning kids show