Wednesday, November 8, 2017

November 10th Flannel Friday Roundup

Bigger and better! Here is this updated version of this week's roundup.....

Mr. Keith at Felt-tastic Flannelboard Funtime has some adorable ducks for Six Little Ducks (and an amusing anecdote about his grandpa).

Wendy at Flannel Board Fun has a another Little Mouse rendition! This one is with beautiful fall leaves.

Your storytimers will love bringing up colored feathers for Tommy Turkey. Check out Jessica's song and flannelboard set at Storytime in the Stacks.

I'm sharing Seis Perritos that I did for Hispanic Heritage month. I included a translation of the version on Songs for Wiggleworms.

For more on Flannel Friday check out the blog or visit us on Pinterest.


  1. Hey Shawn!
    I have some Kawaii ducks this week.
    Thanks for hosting!

  2. Better late than never!
    Thanks for hosting!!

  3. Thank you for hosting Shawn! Sorry I'm late to the Round Up this week, but here's Tommy the Turkey:

