Thursday, February 13, 2014

Flannel Friday: Love Bug

I know it's too late for this year, but you can tuck it away for next year. He looks less like a bug and more like a monster, but bug sounds sooooo much cuter. I put this together to go along with the Valentine squishy bags we make in my Mommy and Me class. See the squishy bag and all our activities in my Mommy and Me post.

I'm a little love bug. Now let's start.
I am made from a big red heart.

I'm a little love bug. What a surprise!
I think someone has my eyes!

I'm a little love bug. Now who do you suppose,
has my cute little heart-shaped nose?

I'm a little love bug. I give big hugs!
Who has a striped arm for this bug?

I'm a little love bug. I have flare!
Who has my sparkly, spiky pink hair?

I'm a little love bug. I'll see you in a while!
Just don't forget my great big smile!

Now a few words on perfectionism. I love making flannelboard stories. I have some I consider my own little works of art. This bug could have been much cuter, but it came to me while I was driving to class. If I didn't do it fast, I wouldn't have been able to do it at all. The kids loved it, and it didn't matter if I spent 10 minutes or 110 minutes making it. Don't let perfectionism get in your way.

Meg at Miss Meg's Storytime is hosting the roundup this week. Find all things Flannel Friday on the blog or find us on Pinterest.

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